Service Science

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    Application of Design Thinking for Service Innovation: Current Practices, Expectations and Adoption Barriers
    (2018-01-03) Engberts, Frederike; Borgman, Hans
    There is an increasing interest from both academics and practitioners on the application of Design Thinking (DT) for innovation efforts. This study explores the current real-life application of DT within five large Dutch multinationals for service innovation projects. It aims to develop an understanding of how and why DT is applied, and what the benefits and challenges are of the adoption. Based on existing literature, five propositions are developed that guide the data collection and analysis for eight case studies on service innovation projects where DT was applied. The results show that DT is applied as a mindset or 'way-of-thinking', supported by methods, processes and tools. Expected benefits that drive its application are increased customer value delivered by service innovations, as well as an improved ability to deal with complexity. Adoption of DT is hampered by the individual’s understanding of DT as well as uncertainty avoidance. Based on the discussion of these findings within the extant literature, we propose a model comprising four interconnected factors driving DT adoption.
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    Service Ecosystem Emergence from Primitive Actors in Service Dominant Logic: An Exploratory Simulation Study
    (2018-01-03) Fujita, Satoru; Vaughan, Claudia; Vargo, Stephen
    Service-dominant (S-D) logic has been proposed as a theoretical foundation for understanding economic exchange and value cocreation from a service-for-service perspective. In the S-D logic framework, all economic entities are commonly represented as resource-integrating, service-providing actors, relying primarily on "operant" resources, such as skills and knowledge. Service exchange is coordinated by institutional arrangements, which form the bases of service ecosystems, the unit of analysis of value cocreation. Institutional arrangements and service ecosystems emerge from the resource integrating and service-exchanging activities of the actors. This paper reports a preliminary investigation of the emergence of these structures from basic actor relationships, through agent-based simulation. The simulations under different conditions show that a collection of agent interactions generates systemic behavior typical for service ecosystems. This paper also suggests directions for future research.
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    Firm Strategies in Open Internet of Things Business Ecosystems: Framework and Case Study
    (2018-01-03) Smedlund, Anssi; Ikävalko, Heini; Turkama, Petra
    We present a typology of strategies employed by firms using the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is a distributed network of connected physical objects. As these devices exchange data with each other instead of through an intermediary, the IoT increases complexity of business ecosystems, and opens up new business opportunities. When the platform owner does not own the data and technology is mostly open source, other actors can use and build on them. In addition to platform owner’s strategy, we propose a framework with three additional strategies, based on whether the firms’ offering integrates into the specific industrial value chain or contributes to the IoT ecosystem, and whether the firm offering is by nature stand-alone or systemic. With a multiple case study design, we explore this framework in the setting of 23 firms in a large research project context. The descriptions of the identified IoT strategies support our framework.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Service Science
    (2018-01-03) Maglio, Paul; Lin, Fu-ren; Shaw, Michael