Plant Nutrient Management

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    Chapter 2: Sampling and Analysis of Soils and Plant Tissues: How to take representative samples, how the samples are tested
    (University of Hawaii, 2000) Hue, N.V.; Uchida, R.; Ho, M.C.
    Scientific approaches to crop nutrient management are based on data obtained by analyzing soil and plant tissue samples. Careful sampling techniques will ensure a representative sample. Precise analytical methods will ensure reliable data. This chapter is based on procedures and techniques used by the CTAHR Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC), which have been developed over many decades of research on soils of Hawaii and interpretation of their analysis data.
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    Chapter 1: Managing Fertilizer Nutrients to Protect the Environment and Human Health
    (University of Hawaii, 2000) Silva, J.A.; Evensen, C.I.; Bowen, R.L.; Kirby, R.; Tsuji, G.Y.; Yost, R.S.
    The goal of a nutrient management plan is to ensure the availability of adequate nutrients for crop production with minimal nutrient loss in runoff or leaching from the root zone. Such a plan should include an evaluation of site environmental concerns, evaluation of available soil nutrient status, calculation of nutrient application amounts based on realistic crop yields and available soil nutrients, and, appropriate nutrient application methods. This chapter explains how fertilizer nutrients can be environmental pollutants and, in some cases, a danger to human health. It describes the evolution of regulations designed to protect society from this pollution, and it provides details about what goes into a nutrient management plan.
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    Chapter 0: Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii's Soils: Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture
    (University of Hawaii, 2000) Silva, James A.; Uchida, Raymond S.
    This book presents information about how soils provide nutrients to plants and how soils can be managed to improve their nutritional status for plant growth. The chapters are intended to help growers and agricultural extension personnel understand how soil and plant tissue analyses are interpreted to diagnose plant nutrition problems, and how soil management recommendations are developed to prevent or correct those problems. Although the details discussed are about crops and soils found in the Hawaiian Islands, the general information on soil conditions and nutrient management are applicable in many other regions of the world where the plants, soils, and climate are similar to those of Hawaii.