In this issue:
Schofield Barracks Effluent Reuse Study
Sponsoring Agency: |
Department of Defense, US
Army Corps of Engineers - Waterways Experiment Station |
Duration: |
July 1, 1998 to August 31, 1999 |
There is general agreement that Oahu should adopt
reclaimed wastewater irrigation in order to conserve the limited
groundwater resources upon which the island is totally dependent
for potable water. The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) promotes
the reuse of wastewater in accordance with their "Guidelines for
the treatment and use of reclaimed water" which prescribes treatment
requirements, and acceptable uses and practices.
The US Army's Schofield Barracks Military Reservation
in central Oahu includes a wastewater treatment plant which discharges
some 2.8 millions of gallons of secondary effluent daily. Under
an agreement with Dole Foods (formerly Waialua Sugar) this effluent
is piped into an irrigation flume at the outlet of nearby Lake Wilson.
This water is then used for irrigation of agricultural fields downstream.
Thus, there is already de-facto irrigation with reclaimed wastewater
in central Oahu. The Army has a seven-year contract with Dole for
this arrangement, scheduled to end in 2001. Therefore the Army is
exploring the feasibility of alternative long-term, cost-effective
methods of disposing of this effluent, including using it for irrigation
of two nearby military golf courses, Leilehua and Kalakaua. The
Army has decided to apply for a permit to use reclaimed water on
these golf courses. As part of their application they discussed
the matter with the DOH and it was agreed that the current study
should be done.
Schofield lies within the "no pass zone" some 600 feet over a
very important potable aquifer. The need to protect the aquifer
from contamination is obviously of paramount importance. The potential
for contamination to occur beneath wastewater irrigation is dependent
on numerous parameters, many of which are site specific. Dr. Roger
Babcock's project is designed to assess the risk of such contamination
beneath the military golf courses.
Some secondary (R-2) effluent from the Schofield plant undergoes
additional treatment (sand filtration and UV disinfection) to
meet the State's R-1 standard for irrigation. This R-1 water is
being applied to unirrigated areas adjacent to Kalakaua golf course
fairways. For purposes of comparison, R-2 water is being applied
to similar areas on the Leilehua course. A small, solar-powered,
irrigation system (see Figure 1) has been installed at each of
the courses.
Each system is on a timer that controls the amount
of irrigation water delivered to a single regular pop-up lawn sprinkler.
Lysimeters (soil water samplers) have been installed beneath the
sprinkler at each of the test sites: one at a depth of four feet
and two at two feet. Eight additional control lysimeters are strategically
located on irrigated fairways around the golf courses. Water from
all the lysimeters is sampled on a regular basis, and this water
is analyzed for a number of parameters (see Table 1). In practice
it is expected that irrigation with effluent will not exceed the
consumptive use of the turf; however, this would mean that water
would only reach the lysimeters during heavy rainfall events. Therefore,
at intervals, the areas around the sprinklers may be inundated with
potable water to simulate a large rainfall event that could be expected
to flush any contaminants down through the vadose zone.
Data obtained from the lysimeters will be supplemented
with pan evaporation and rainfall data to create a water balance
with which to estimate/predict the potential impacts of a reclaimed
water irrigation program on the underlying aquifer. A 3-D model
(FEMWATER) will be employed to predict transport through the deep
unsaturated zone and into the potable aquifer beneath the site.
The effect on the growth and appearance of the turf will also be
Table 1. Parameters Monitored
DOH-prescribed parameters
specific conductivity |
chlorides |
total phosphorus |
field pH |
nitrate/nitrite nitrogen |
field temperature |
total Kjeldahl nitrogen |
total suspended solids |
total dissolved solids |
. |
Additional parameters (to be done at least once during the project)
arsenic |
copper |
turbidity |
selenium |
antimony |
barium |
lead |
beryllium |
chromium |
cadmium |
thallium |
alkalinity |
mercury |
boron |
fecal coliform |
fecal streptococcus |
trace organic compounds |
total organic carbon |
BOD5 |

This issue of the WRRC Bulletin is devoted mainly to the activities
of Dr. Roger Babcock. Dr. Babcock joined WRRC in September of 1995
and has been very actively engaged in a number of research projects,
in addition to his duties as Professor of Civil Engineering. Roger
sits on the thesis committees of many students. He is also in charge
of WRRC's toxics chemistry laboratory, located in Holmes Hall at
the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Dr. Babcock received his bachelor's degree at
U.C. Davis and his Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering
from UCLA.
Biological Water and Wastewater Treatment
Biodegradation of Toxic/Hazardous Waste
Adsorption Processes
Water Reuse
Phone: 956-7298
Fax: 956-5014

Sponsoring Agency: |
Best Industries USA |
Duration: |
November 1997 to August 31, 1999 |
Many Hawaii residents are not hooked up to centralized
sanitary sewer systems. People living in these areas rely on septic
tanks or cesspools for their sewage disposal. The State Department
of Health (DOH) estimates that there are some 185,000 cesspools
(unlined holes in the ground) and 4,500 septic tanks (settling tanks
with leach fields) in the state. Under ideal conditions cesspools
and septic tanks can be an adequate way of disposing of sewage.
Unfortunately in many cases in Hawaii the geology and topography
are unsuitable for the siting of these units. The cost of connecting
residences in remoter areas of the state to county sewer systems
is prohibitive, and this is not a feasible solution in Hawaii's
current economic climate.
In the
absence of any alternative, people install cesspools and septic
tanks. The result is that there are large numbers of poorly performing
individual sewage disposal systems throughout the state, leading
to inadequate treatment of human waste, contamination of ground
and surface waters, and in some cases raw sewage seeping onto the
ground surface. Because this situation poses a considerable risk
to public health, and the DOH has set a goal of eliminating septic
tanks/cesspools in the state.
One interesting solution, which is being successfully
employed on the mainland and in Japan, is the use of individual
residential package wastewater treatment units. The manufacturers
of these units claim that they provide treatment of ordinary household
sewage to secondary standards. Dr. Roger Babcock's research is focused
on assessing and optimizing the performance of one such unit; Best
Industries USA, model UCZ-5.

Testing of the Best Industries unit is being conducted in accordance
with standardized procedures specified by the National Sanitation
Foundation in "NSF Standard 40 for Individual Aerobic Wastewater
Treatment Plants" Minimum performance for production of an NSF Standard
40 Class I effluent requires that the 30-consecutive-day mean effluent
BOD5 and suspended solids be no greater than 30 mg/l. The current
research is aimed at determining whether the Best Industries unit
can achieve this level of performance, as well as nutrient removal
capabilities. The test unit is situated at the City and County of
Honolulu's Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant where a ready
supply of municipal waste is available. Testing includes a six-month
standard performance period during which 400 gallons of municipal
sewage will flow through the unit each day. This flow rate is based
on a family of four persons with each producing 100 gallons of sewage
daily. Flow into the unit occurs during three three-hour periods
each day in accordance with the NSF specifications. This interrupted
flow pattern necessitates the addition of a pump, a holding tank,
electronic valves, timers, and a programmable logic controller (PLC)
to the unit.
In addition to this standard performance testing,
the unit will be subjected to a two-month stress testing period
during which real-world load conditions will be simulated. As with
the standard performance test, the stress test follows a regimen
prescribed by the NSF Standard 40. These stress tests basically
vary the influent rate to the unit in ways that simulate several
situations that could be expected to occur in the average household
(multiple laundry loads and so on).
Instantaneous grab samples and 24-hour composite
samples of influent and effluent are taken daily from the unit.
Samples are analyzed for BOD5, suspended solids, volatile suspended
solids, settleable solids, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen, and phosphorus
Additional research is being conducted to determine
the feasibility of creating a complete on-site water reclamation
system. This involves the use of a small sand filter column and
an in-line UV disinfection unit for production of R-1 quality reclaimed
water. Bringing the effluent to R-1 standards would allow its use
in surface or subsurface irrigation of yards, water features such
as fountains, washing yards and sidewalks, and toilet flushing.
Parameters to be monitored for this phase of the project include
turbidity, UV transmittance, and fecal coliforms. Dose-response
curves for the UV unit are being created with a collimated beam
After five months of continuous operation and daily monitoring,
the following averages represent the effluent quality of the UCZ-5
BOD5 12.3 mg/L
TSS 13.5 mg/L
settleable solids 0.1 mL/L
Therefore the unit is producing effluent of a
quality that exceeds the requirements of NSF Standard 40. As can
be seen from the line graph at right, the BOD5 of the effluent is
much reduced by the treatment it underwent in the Best unit. The
unit is capable of producing a consistently high-quality effluent
from an influent of variable quality.
The Best Industries unit being tested has performed
well, without maintenance, over the five months that it has been
online. However, these units do require periodic maintenance consisting
of pumping out the sludge, servicing the air pump in the aerobic
digestion chamber, and backflushing to clean off the media. People
are notoriously bad at maintaining their cesspools and septic tanks,
and it is likely that maintenance of systems like the Best Industries
unit will be similarly neglected by the average homeowner. The required
maintenance may be beyond the capabilities of many homeowners to
perform themselves. It is understood that in Japan owners of these
units pay a flat rate to the wastewater department, similar to the
sewer charge that we pay in Honolulu. This fee entitles them to
periodic maintenance and emergency service of their units. Therefore
the adoption of this technology as a solution to the problems posed
by the cesspools in Hawaii would require the simultaneous development
of a maintenance network.

Several WRRC research assistants presented posters
at the annual Hawaii Water Environment Association conference which
was held in Honolulu in the first week of March.
Ms. Jody Murata, MS student in Civil Engineering,
produced a poster illustrating her research on Bioavailability of
toxic organics in harbor sediments. This project looks at a method
of determining the toxicity of contaminated soils. The research
involves using supercritical carbon dioxide to extract chemicals
from soil samples, and then testing the toxicity of these chemicals.
To do this Ms. Murata is assessing several solvents and mediums
to trap the chemicals during the extraction process, for ease of
use with the Microtox assay. The Microtox system uses a type of
bacteria which lights up under UV light when alive. Bacteria exposed
to fatal doses of chemicals no longer light up. By measuring the
light emitted by test tubes full of these bacteria, exposed to various
concentrations of a chemical, one can determine the toxicity of
that chemical. Ms. Arlene Sagayaga and Mr. Keith Oshiro, also master's
degree students in Civil Engineering, presented posters describing
projects looking at water quality parameters in some traditional
Hawaiian fishponds on Molokai, Lanai, and Oahu. These ponds are
currently being restored in order to return them to their function
of raising fish. In order to get government approval for the restorations,
water quality testing must be done. Those restoring the ponds hope
to find an easy way to do this. Mr. Oshiro's work focused on assessing
the equivalency of field-kit testing to standard EPA laboratory
tests. Ms. Sagayaga's work focused on comparisons of water quality
inside and outside the ponds in relation to State water quality
criteria. More information about the fishpond restoration project
can be seen at
Civil Engineering master's degree candidates Mr.
Dan McNair and Mr. Lance Edling presented a poster describing experiments
to assess the performance of the Best Industries individual residential
wastewater system described elsewhere in this bulletin.
Master's degree candidate Dean Shirota presented
a poster on a project that assessed the microbial quality of groundwater
in the so-called caprock aquifer in Ewa. This study is being done
to establish baseline quality parameters in advance of the land
application of reclaimed Honouliuli Treatment Plant wastewater planned
by the City and County of Honolulu.
The student researchers posters were well received
at the conference, and cash prizes totaling $200 were awarded to
the WRRC students. The posters are now on display in the WRRC offices
in Holmes 283.

Dr. Hiroshi Yamauchi, who was a joint WRRC/Agricultural Economics
faculty member, retired this semester after 30 years of service
to the University of Hawaii. Dr. Yamauchi was a great asset to the
water center. His frequent collaborations with colleagues in Japan
helped establish WRRC's friendly relations with water researchers
at several universities in that country.
On March 16th a party was held in Sherman Hall
to congratulate Dr. Yamauchi on his retirement and celebrate his
achievements over the years. Dr. Yamauchi assured us that he will
be in contact with us, and available to help with future projects.

Director's Message: Dr. Roger Fujioka
The Water Resources Research Institute Program or WRRIP is the federal
program which has funded a "Water Center" at the Land Grant University
in every state since 1964. The Water Resources Research Center (WRRC)
at the University of Hawaii is the Water Center for the state of
Hawaii. From 1966 to the mid 1980s the federal government clearly
supported the WRRIP and as a result, funding was available to meet
the WRRIP mission of training future water resources scientists
and conducting needed research to address critical water-related
problems in the state of Hawaii.
During those years, funding was allotted to each
state water center and a separate funding program was available
to address water problems on a regional basis. However, during the
Reagan, Bush and Clinton presidency, the federal government no longer
included funding for the WRRIP, and the directors of each water
center worked with their Congressional Delegates in a successful
campaign to have Congress fund WRRIP. Although successful in this
endeavor, the funding level for WRRIP has been systematically reduced
from $10,776,000 in FY 1991 to $4,553,000 for each of fiscal years
1995-1998. In summary, we have Congress to thank for maintaining
the WRRIP during the difficult years. Part of the price we paid
was the reduced funding level.
We learned that Congress is run by powerful committees.
In 1996, a powerful committee succeeded in derailing the mission
of WRRIP by mandating that research funds under WRRIP would no longer
be allotted to each state, and placed this money into a regional
grant program. The centers were required to compete with each other
for these funds to address regional water problems rather than state
water problems. This program benefited only a few water centers,
and placed the island water centers (Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico,
Virgin Islands) at a disadvantage since water problems in individual
islands did not fit into the established regions of the continental
USA (islands are not recognized as a region). This mandate by Congress
contradicted the original mission which led to the formation and
operation of the WRRIP. Each year thereafter the directors of all
the Water Centers petitioned Congress to return funding for research
back to each state and to increase the funding level of WRRIP so
state water problems could be addressed. The breakthrough occurred
for the FY 1999 budget when Congress approved the following changes:
1) Return research funding and authority
to each state Water Center.
2) Increasing the WRRIP budget from
$4,553,000 to $5,057,000.
3) Allotting a separate $1,000,000
for a national competitive grant program to address regional water
I wish to point out that all of these changes
are the direct result of Congress and the active yearly request
made by Water Center's Directors to the state Congressional Delegates.
In this regard, all four of Hawaii's Congressional delegates (Senators
Inouye and Akaka, and Representatives Abercrombie and Mink) have
always supported the WRRIP and have played critical roles in maintaining
and finally in improving the conditions of WRRIP. Today, the WRRIP
is back on the track it wants to be and heading in the right direction.
However, funding for each water center has been reduced from approximately
$110,000 in 1991 to only $68,178 in 1999. Of the $68,178, 78% or
$53,273 is used to support two research projects, 13% or $8,905
is used to support WRRC technology transfer program and only 9%
or $6,000 is used for administrative costs, including travel costs
to attend the WRRIP meetings. This limited amount of funding is
insufficient for WRRC to meet the WRRIP mission of conducting the
necessary research to address the critical water related problems
in the state of Hawaii. To meet this challenge, WRRC will implement
the following four-step plan:
1. Continue to urge Congress to increase funding
for WRRIP. This is much more likely to happen because WRRIP is now
being supported by Congress, its parent organization (USGS), and
the nation's economy is good. However, this option is currently
limited by a Congressional Rule called "capping" which limits the
amount of money Congress can spend for programs such as WRRIP which
come under the category of "non-defense, discretionary funding".
In practical terms, Congress must raise the ceiling of the cap before
more money can be added to WRRIP. This is being pursed with Hawaii's
Congressional Delegates.
2. Establish an Island Region for Water Centers.
The island water centers have had difficulty in trying to fit into
regions established for the continental USA. During this past year,
the four island water centers (Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin
Island) petitioned the National Institute for Water Resources to
allow all the island centers to form a single region based on commonality
of climate, hydrology, geology and ecology. This petition was approved
and will be implemented. The formation of an island region will
now clearly establish that island water problems are of a regional
nature. For many grants, fitting into a regional or national need
is a pre-requisite to being funded.
3. Reorganize and Involve WRRC Technical Advisory
Committee. Since authority to fund research projects has been returned
back to the state Water Center, WRRC will reorganize the WRRC Technical
Advisory Committee, which in the past has been used to set the research
agenda for WRRC. Letters of invitation have been sent to all the
agencies in Hawaii with authority or expertise in addressing the
water-related and environmental problems in Hawaii. A meeting of
this committee is being planned during the summer of 1999 to establish
the research agenda for the next 5 years and to establish guidelines
for closer working relationships with other agencies in Hawaii with
that of WRRC.
4. Seeking Matching Grants to Expand the Capability
of WRRIP. Funding of research projects under WRRIP requires a matching
of $2 for every $1 federal funds. WRRC will seek agency support
to match funding to this WRRIP program so as to leverage the federal
funding program to obtain supplemental funding to be able to adequately
complete research projects. In this regard, the agency supplying
the matching funds will gain access to matching funds and the commitment
of a dedicated scientist from the University of Hawaii who will
be providing considerable expertise with no additional costs.

During the last week of April, WRRC faculty participated in a workshop
sponsored by the UH School of Public Health. The workshop was held
for the Pollution Control Working Group of the China Council for
International Cooperation on Environment and Development. The delegates
of this group are mid- to high-level representatives of environmental
management agencies from the People's Republic of China. The head
of the delegation was Professor Qu Geping, Chairman of the Environment
and Resource Protection Committee of the Chinese National People's
Congress. The workshop was intended to showcase environmental conditions
and protection activities in Hawaii as well as the state's capacity
in the areas of air, water quality, watershed, and land use management.
A consortium of Hawaii's environmental management experts has recently
come together under the leadership of the UH School of Public Health
with the goal of providing further short- and long-term training,
technical consultation, and research collaboration for Chinese pollution
control program managers. This consortium includes members of the
WRRC faculty. During the five-day workshop WRRC faculty gave presentations
regarding water-borne diseases and pollution monitoring, as well
as drinking water treatment issues and technologies.
