Volume 51(1) - 2019: Hawaiian Entomological Society

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    New State Records and Additions to the Alien Terrestrial Arthropod Fauna in the Hawaiian Islands
    (Hawaiian Entomological Society, 2019-04-05) Matsunaga, Janis N. ; Howarth, Francis G. ; Kumashiro, Bernarr R.
    An annotated list of 393 adventive terrestrial arthropod species plus three new varieties of known established species, which have been recorded in Hawaii since the Fourth Edition of Bishop Museum’s Hawaiian Terrestrial Arthro- pod Checklist (Nishida 2002), is presented. This compilation includes records of over 362 nonnative arthropod species published between the years of 2001 and 2017 as well as over 30 new Hawaii State records that have not been previously recorded. Annotations include date first detected, island distribution, citation, relevant biological notes, and for new state and island records, the collection data. A separate table with about 150 entries lists the synonyms, misidentifications, dele- tions, and changes of status for species included in the 2002 checklist that were discovered during our research. However, the latter list is not comprehensive as a complete revision of the 2002 checklist was beyond the scope of our project. Also included is a bibliography of the approximately 270 source documents that were consulted. We intend for this publication to be a useful supplement to the 2002 edition of the Hawaiian Terrestrial Arthropod Checklist.