Cross-Organizational and Cross- Border IS/IT Collaboration Minitrack

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Integration of people, systems, processes, and infrastructure across organizations, borders, and world regions enables productive teamwork towards achieving mutual goals. Collaborators are motivated to enter into collaborative projects and interactions, which lead to satisfaction and performance. Quality in collaboration is fostered by perception of value, trust, and commitment among participants and stakeholders. With progressing globalization, many of these collaborations are conducted across widely dispersed organizations and national borders. Cross-system integration and collaboration technologies play crucial roles and often decide about investment success or failure. Growth in electronic and virtual collaboration can be facilitated by organizations seeking to gain competitive advantage by lowering costs, increasing knowledge, and reaching new customers. Perceived value serves as a stimulus for further growth.

Possible contributions regarding the cross-organizational and cross border collaboration may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Processes of international/global IS/IT collaboration
  • Effects of collaboration on IS/IT performance
  • Success factors of collaboration technologies
  • Inter-organizational collaboration
  • Social collaboration using social network technologies / social media
  • Conceptual frameworks of IS/IT collaboration across organizations and borders
  • Motivating factors for IS/IT collaboration
  • External pressures and environmental factors influences collaboration
  • Process and task structures for accomplishing quality collaborations
  • Methodologies for studies of IS/IT collaboration
  • IS/IT collaboration instrument development and validation
  • IS/IT collaboration studies at the country, industry, firm, project, team or individual level
  • Comparative cross-country research on IT/IS collaboration
  • Country-specific and organization-specific case studies on IT/IS collaboration
  • Managing IS/IT outsourcing and nearshoring/offshoring relationships
  • Outtasking and crowdsourcing in IT/IS contexts
  • Value of investments in IS/IT collaboration
  • Cross-organizational and international IS/IT project management
  • Multinational teams and their cultural and leadership factors
  • Cross-border and cross-organizational value chains and value networks
  • Open collaboration through the Web

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Ilsang Ko (Primary Contact)
Chonnam National University, Korea

Daniel Beimborn
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Spatial Solutions for the Environmental Protection Agency “Brownfields to Healthfields” Program: Utilization of Mixed Methods to Assess Application Effectiveness and Usability
    ( 2017-01-04) Moreno, April ; Osailan, Sarah
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can serve as a planning tool to promote community health at many levels, such as the policy, organizational and public levels. The Brownfields to Healthfields (B2H) program involves creating new opportunities to support community public health, including the development of park spaces and new hospital facilities. However, there was no existing portal for organizations to access a map of brownfields data to meet the required criteria of the organization in seeking a space for transformation to a “healthfield” or other public services facility. Since the various types of community and demographic data were scattered, it was necessary to combine the data in a web application available to all stakeholders. This paper discusses the utilization of a new concept of operation, which includes participative and volunteered approaches that are addressed to include the contribution of various stakeholder groups, and to further improve planning for public health. \
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    Material Intelligence: Cross-Organizational Collaboration Driven by Detailed Material Data
    ( 2017-01-04) Hakanen, Esko ; Eloranta, Ville ; Töytäri, Pekka ; Rajala, Risto ; Turunen, Taija
    The application of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has the potential to reshape inter-organizational collaboration across industries. This study explores the influences of the use of IoT for information sharing in the steel industry networks. Shared data may have multiple uses, including optimization, integration, automatization, and adaptation of objects in their environments. Our study indicates that increase in the information intensity of products and processes changes the nature of competition in the industry. To date, research on IoT has mainly proposed its use in independent nodes and clusters possessing excessive data from their own actions. Conversely, our study emphasizes the benefits that accrue from intensified collaboration. Our findings emphasize that IoT enabled material intelligence can restructure companies’ roles and responsibilities in the steel industry supply networks. This can be achieved by bridging the structural holes in the inter-organizational networks.
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    Easing Cross-Border Communication: MOBILE-mediated Communication and Its Framework
    ( 2017-01-04) Choi, Kyungsub ; Kim, Youngsoo
    Communication is probably the most critical component of an organization engaged in a cross-border collaboration. Today’s smart devices substantially contribute to such communication. Combined with social media, mobile communication technologies are becoming the main platform for many core functions within organizations. In this paper, we identified seven media identifiable attributes: synchronicity (SYN), de-individuation and co-presence (DCP), accessibility readiness (ARD), cognizance of environment change (CEC), wearability-portability (WRB) modality-select (MDS) and visibility (VSB). These seven attributes significantly impact the course of mobile-mediated communication. We believe that development of a theoretical perspective that embraces the complexity of mobile-mediated communication is due in order to fully comprehend the mobile ecosystem that is upon us.
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    Cross-Organizational Software Development: Design and Evaluation of a Decision Support System for Software Component Outsourcing
    ( 2017-01-04) Kramer, Tommi ; Heinzl, Armin ; Neben, Tillmann
    While the decision to outsource software development tasks was mainly considered strategically and economically, it relies on technical properties of single components and their integrability into complex systems, as well. This paper suggests a decision model that evaluates technical properties of software components to support the outsourcing decision with its implications on the cross-organizational distribution of development tasks. Following a design science approach decision criteria are deduced and logically combined in order to design a decision model. The model is then used to implement a mobile prototype for a decision support system in order to classify all software components regarding their outsourcing applicability. Both model and tool are evaluated in depth: we examine the quality of model and tool in a naturalistic and experimental evaluation setting. The overall satisfaction with utility, ease of use and intention to use is very positive.
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    Collaboration among Crowdsourcees: Towards a Design Theory for Collaboration Process Design
    ( 2017-01-04) Tavanapour, Navid ; Bittner, Eva Alice Christiane
    Crowdsourcing is used for collaborative problem solving in different domains. The key to optimal solutions is mostly found by collaboration among the crowdsourcees. The current state of research on this field addresses this topic mainly with an explorative focus on a specific domain, such as idea contests. We gather and analyze the contributions from the different domains on collaboration in crowdsourcing. We present a framework for a general collaboration process model for crowdsourcing. To derive this framework, we conducted a literature review and set up a database, which assigns the literature to the process steps that we identified from interaction patterns in the literature. The framework considers phases before and after the collaboration among crowdsourcees and includes relevant activities that can influence the collaboration process. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the interaction among crowdsourcees and provides crowdsourcers with grounding for the informed design of effective collaborative crowdsourcing processes. \
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