Cenerini, ChantaleJunker, Marie-OdileRosen, Nicole2017-12-082017-12-082017-12Cenerini, Chantale, Marie-Odile Junker & Nicole Rosen. 2017. Mapping Dialectal Variation Using the Algonquian Linguistic Atlas. Language Documentation & Conservation 11. 305-324.1934-5275http://hdl.handle.net/10125/24738The Algonquian Linguistic Atlas (www.atlas-ling.ca) is an online multimedia linguistic atlas of Algonquian languages in Canada, built based on a template of conversational topics. It includes Algonquian languages primarily from the Cree-Innu-Naskapi continuum, but also from Blackfoot, Mi’kmaw, and Ojibwe (including Algonquin), with other languages in progress. In this paper we discuss how the data collected for the Algonquian Linguistic Atlas was used to conduct a bottom-up study of dialectal boundaries in Cree-Innu-Naskapi and their degree of relatedness to neighboring Algonquian languages. By studying the coincidence of phonological, lexical, grammatical, syntactic, and semantic isoglosses drawn from the Atlas data, we hope to show the research potential coming out of tools developed for pedagogical purposes. This research can in turn further guide the development of new terminology and more pedagogical resources, as well as lead to better understanding of dialectal differences and similarities across the language family.20 pagesen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationallinguistic atlasAlgonquian languagesdialect mappingMapping Dialectal Variation Using the Algonquian Linguistic AtlasArticle