Wenkam, Nao S.2009-01-312009-01-311986-02Wenkam NS. 1986. Foods of Hawaii and the Pacific Basin: Vegetables and vegetable products: raw, processed, and prepared: volume 2: Percentage of U.S. recommended daily allowances. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 28 p. (Research Extension Series; RES-065).0271-9916http://hdl.handle.net/10125/5490The information on nutrition labels appears as amounts of food energy and selected nutrients contained in a designated serving size, and it also appears as the percentage of the U. S. Recommended Daily Allowances, or U.S. RDA, contributed by up to 20 or so nutrients per serving as it comes from the container. However, food items such as fresh produce that are not marketed in packages or containers do not carry nutrition information labels. The purpose of this publication is to bridge this gap by making available nutrition information - given as percentage of U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances - for eight nutrients provided by specific amounts of the various fresh vegetables and vegetable products.28 pagesen-USfood compositionHawaiiPacific Ocean Islandsraw vegetablesRecommended Dietary AllowancesvegetablesFoods of Hawaii and the Pacific Basin: Vegetables and Vegetable Products: Raw, Processed, and Prepared: Volume 2: Percentage of U.S. Recommended Daily AllowancesOtherUniversity of Hawaii