Wong, William2014-01-152014-01-152014-01-15http://hdl.handle.net/10125/32272The purpose for this study is to redesign and build a cheap computer terminal--between $300 and $600 each--to be connected to the HP 2114 computer presently in use in Holmes hall. The original idea for the terminal was conceived of by Professor Vincent Nicholson. There is one original terminal which belongs to the Hewlett Packard company and by their permission is available here through Professor Nicholson. The essential features of this terminal remain the same as the one I have redesigned. The changes made will be evident in the following pages. Although the new model was to have been built, I have not yet received all the parts needed. As a result, this report is in some ways a building guide.25 pagesAll UHM Honors Projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission from the copyright owner.A Design for a Computer TerminalTerm Project