Place-based WAC/WID Hui2015-12-022015-12-022014-05-072015Chastagner, Peter. 'Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Journalism, clip 12 of 13.' Interview with Jim Henry. Scholarspace. Sep. 2015. Web. item includes a segment of a student interview in a Writing Intensive course in Journalism at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The interview was conducted in 2014, and in this clip the interviewee is responding to the question 'Regardless of your plans, will this course or the writing in it remain with you? If so, how?'Brief excerpt from interview: Journalism and blogging and all of that will stick with me for a long time.Duration: 00:01:09Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesplace-based writingwriting across the curriculumwriting in the disciplinesWriting Intensive coursesscholarship of teaching and learningwriting pedagogygeneral education requirementsidentitybloggingJournalismStudent interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Journalism, clip 12 of 13Interview