Ash, J.2008-04-052008-04-051987Ash J. 1987. Stunted loud-forest in Taveuni, Fiji. Pac Sci 41: 191-199.0030-8870 vegetation and microclimate of a stunted ridge-top cloudforest on Mt. Koroturanga (l210m), Taveuni, Fiji (Lat. l7 °S, Long. 180°) is described. Canopy heights decreased from about 30m at sea level to 10m at 1140m altitude and to 3-7m on the ridge and upper windward slopes. The stunted trees were of low height for their stem diameter, and had abundant epiphytic bryophytes. The upper windward slopes and ridge were usually cloud enveloped and had low temperature (c 17°C), high relative humidity (c94%) and high wind speed (c 5m S-1 at 15m height). Canopy height was closely correlated with estimated rates of leaf transpiration. The cloud-forest had abundant Freycinetia urvilleana in the upper canopy and included species restricted to this environment on a few peaks in Fiji, e.g. Ascarina swamyana and Medinilla waterhousei.en-USStunted Cloud-forest in Taveuni, FijiArticle