Cataleta, Maria StefaniaEast-West Center2021-12-112021-12-112020-07 views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the East-West Center.<br><br>For more about the East-West Center, see <a href=""></a>Machines do not have morality so they must be designed according to shared ethical rules. In this regard, affective computing, a branch of information technology that aims to transmit information on human feelings to machines, can improve the relationship between man and computer, the HCI (human computer interaction), because a system capable of perceiving the user s state of mind can better evaluate his intentions and his/her real will. In relation to the violation of human rights, it is necessary to develop ethical principles that can be negotiated on a computational basis and used in the face of unforeseen situations, to limit regulatory violations or to deal with unforeseeable situations with a morally significant impact.31 p.en-USHuman-computer interaction - Moral and ethical aspectsAmbient intelligenceHuman rightsThe fragility of human rights facing AIWorking Paper