Yousif, MichaelMagnusson, JohanPessi, Kalevi2016-12-292016-12-292017-01-04978-0-9981331-0-2 years increase in organizations’ dependence on information technology has ushered in changing roles for IT departments and IT governance alike. Instead of being primarily focused on the continuous and cost efficient maintenance and support of existing resources, there is a need for a more balanced take on IT Governance which calls for an ambidextrous approach. This involves an increased focus on agility in terms of achieving both economies of scale and scope. This paper reports on a recent quantitative assessment of IT agility in Swedish Firms. Informed by contingency theory, the results are analyzed and discussed in relation to future research for IT agility. Our findings lead to six organizational contingencies expressed as six hypotheses that should be addressed within future IT agility research.9 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalContingency TheoryIT AgilityIT Agility AssessmentIT GovernanceIT Agility: Current State, Organizational Contingencies, and Future Research AvenuesConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2017.631