Murai, MaryPen, FlorenceMiller, Carey D.2011-10-202011-10-201958Murai M, Pen F, Miller CD. 1958. Some tropical South Pacific island foods: description, history, use, composition, and nutritive value. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 159 p. (Bulletin 110). bulletin provides original data on the composition and nutritive value of some of the principle foods from the Pacific islands. Most of the samples were collected in the Marshall Islands and Micronesia.159 pagesen-USPacific Ocean IslandsbreadfruitsArtocarpus altilisPandanuscoconutsCocos nuciferaAraceaeColocasia esculentaAlocasiaTaccasweet potatoesnutritive valuefood preparationCyrtosperma merkusiiseafoodsSome Tropical South Pacific Island Foods: Description, History, Use, Composition, and Nutritive ValueReport