Radovich, Theodore J.Cox, Linda J.Hollyer, James R.2009-11-132009-11-132009-11Radovich TJ, Cox LJ, Hollyer JR. 2009. Overview of organic food crop systems in Hawaii. 14 p. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. (Sustainable Agriculture; SA-3).http://hdl.handle.net/10125/13448This publication presents results of a needs assessment (also called an industry analysis) conducted in mid-2007 for the organic food crop producers in Hawaii. Seventy-six people participated, completing a survey (instrument included in the document) and providing comments during assessment meetings. Bottlenecks (constraints) were identified and prioritized by the participants, and actions to alleviate them were proposed.14 pagesen-USorganic productionagricultural industryfarmers' attitudesHawaiiOverview of Organic Food Crop Systems in HawaiiArticle