Kamemoto, H.Nakasone, H.Y.2014-01-092014-01-091963-07Kamemoto H, Nakasone HY. 1963. Evaluation and improvement of anthurium clones. Honolulu (HI): Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii. 28 p. (Technical Bulletin, 58)http://hdl.handle.net/10125/31051The culture of anthuriums, Anthurium andraeanum, in Hawaii has gradually evolved from a hobby status to an important cut-flower industry. With the realization of the need for a systematic evaluation of available varieties and further improvement in flower color, size, shape, texture, and productivity, a breeding project on anthuriums was initiated in the spring of 1950 at the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii. Surveys of commercial establishments and private collections were immediately conducted to select and assemble the apparently outstanding commercial types as well as those possessing some characteristics of value in a breeding program. The selected plants were placed under surveillance for the purpose of evaluation, and, concurrently, a hybridization program was carried out with the major objective of producing improved commercial varieties. This paper summarizes the evaluation of the accessions and the results obtained to date in the breeding program.28 pagesen-USAnthurium andraeanumplant breedingvarietiesHawaiiEvaluation and Improvement of Anthurium ClonesReport