Liloqula, RuthSaelea, JimiLevela, Helen2008-12-052008-12-051993-01Liloqula R, Saelea J, Levela H. 1993. Traditional taro cultivation in the Solomon Islands. In: Ferentinos L, editor. Proceedings of the Sustainable Taro Culture for the Pacific Conference. Sustainable Taro Culture for the Pacific Conference; 1992 Sept 24-25; Honolulu, Hawaii. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. p. 125-131.0271-9916 (Colocasia esculenta), yams (Dioscorea spp.), sweet potato (Ipomea babatas), and Cassava (Manihot esculenta) are the four major root crops grown throughout the islands and are components of the daily diet. Taro and yam used to be the major root crops grown throughout the islands and are very much a part of the people's customs. This paper discusses origins and uses of taro, irrigation systems, local varieties, and diseases and pests impacting production in the Solomon Islands.7 pagesen-USColocasia esculentaSolomon Islandstarotraditional farmingTraditional Taro Cultivation in the Solomon IslandsOtherUniversity of Hawaii