Rockwood, DavidShort, Keith2017-05-042017-05-042012-05 contemporary architecture a fundamental disjunction exists between design and building facilitated by the use of advanced computational methods, and the relationship between form, material, and maker. The making of buildings demands an expertise that is familiar with the physical and involves a level of skill that many designers cannot claim to fully possess or practice. This doctorate project presents a study of a design-through-making methodology that incorporates craft with the material exploration of sandwich panels, digital technology and fabrication in the process of ‘making’ architecture. A focus is placed on the development of a specific design intent through the manipulation of materials, using skills and techniques guided by the practiced hand. This interaction between technology, material, and the designer-maker referred to as “fab+craft” creates a narrative that allows for the physical translation of ideas into the built environment.132 pagesengFab + Craft: Synthesis of Maker, Machine, MaterialDoctorate Project