Monkoski-Takamure, Antonina2014-05-082014-05-082014-04 are being pushed to integrate technology across all subject areas, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Using eBook creation is one way to both use technology and address literacy skills. A web-based instructional module was developed to improve teacher knowledge on how to create eBooks and increase motivation to use eBooks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the module and its influence on motivation to incorporate eBooks in teaching. Fifteen current or former elementary (K-6) teachers were asked to participate in the study. Ten completed the study. Participants completed the module as well as online demographic, pre-attitudinal, and post-attitudinal surveys. These were analyzed using descriptive statistics and summarizing open-ended questions. Pre-survey findings indicated that one teacher had previously used eBooks and half had moderate to considerable interest, whereas the other half reported little to some interest. Two-thirds felt students would be moderately to extremely motivated by using eBooks. Post-survey findings showed that half of the participants were likely to use eBook creation in their classrooms. Eight participants felt students would be very-to-extremely motivated.19Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesElementary teacherseBookliteracyeBook Creation: Enhancing LiteracyMaster's Project