Echols, James R.East-West Communication Institute2020-10-242020-10-241977-04"This project was supported by the Office of Population, U.S. Agency for International Development, AID/csd-1059."<br><br>For more about the East-West Center, see <a href=""></a>This paper is a review of technical and economic assistance in the field of population and family planning communication. It traces the development of population-related assistance programs and describes the kinds of assistance available from the major donor agencies and technical assistance institutions for population and family planning communication. It discusses problems and issues of technical and economic assistance such as the impact of external funding on national goals and policies; the relationships between outside experts and national personnel; the cultural variations that support or hinder programs of technical assistance; and coordination among donors, action agencies, and national governments. The author assesses the impact of economic and technical assistance programs on national family planning programs and identifies trends and probable future developments in the assistance field.Introduction -- 1. Basic Issues of Development Assistance -- 2. Range of Population Communication Assistance -- 3. Impact of Economic and Technical Assistance -- 4. The Future of Population Communication.ix, 88 p.en-USCommunication in family planningCommunication in demographyPopulation assistanceEconomic assistanceTechnical assistanceDonors and developers in population communicationReport