Schreuder, Donald L.Lawson, Robert T.2018-03-052018-03-051970-07-21 map key: 4-7-04: 10, grading permit no. 4975Sections: field exploration and laboratory tests, subsurface conditions, recommendations, construction inspection, illustrations, site plan, field and laboratory data, suggested specifications for site preparation and grading, and settlement marker installation, drainage details, field and laboratory data, boring logs, soil classification chart, consolidation test reports, plasticity chart, compaction test data, triaxial compression test reports, cross section with critical circles, and plot plans.81 pagesengboring logssoil explorationslope stabilitycompactionKahaluuKoolaupokoOahuHawaiiSoils--Hawaii--OahuSoil investigation -- Kahaluu Colony Village Phase II, Heeia, Oahu, HawaiiText