Cammack, Floyd M.2012-10-262012-10-261965-05College & Research Libraries, volume 26 pages 213-2180010-0870 from photocopy of article. Related article is Shaw, Ralph R. "Machine Application at the University of Hawaii" College & Research Libraries, 26:381-382, 398, Sept. 1965.A new circulation system was initiated in October 1964 at the University of Hawaii's Gregg M. Sinclair library. This article describes the system in general terms and sets it in the context of future automation plans at Hawaii. The unique aspect of the system is its use of IBM 1001 data collection devices, a remote control system for data transmission over telephone circuitry6 p.enLibrary Circulation SystemUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa. Library -- HistoryCharging systems (Libraries) -- Data processingRemote -Control Circulation at the University of HawaiiArticle