Sundriyal, ManjuSundriyal R.C.2012-08-082012-08-082011Sundriyal M, Sundriyal RC. 2011. Bamboo trade and future prospects in the Central Himalaya: A case study of the traditional artisans of Uttarakhand, India. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 9: 445-454.1547-3465 India bamboo is valuable in the rural livelihoods. However, despite improvement efforts the conditions of bamboo resources and traditional artisans have been deteriorating over the years. To improvise the socio-economic status of the artisans, different state governments are looking for information on the resource as well as artisans’ skills so that necessary amendments could be accomplished in government policies and programs to develop this sector as an important vehicle for rural development. This article is based on an investigation that was conducted in Uttarakhand state, India using questionnaires. We report on bamboo species being used, indigenous knowledge of articles made from bamboo, resource utilization patterns, and management status of bamboo in Uttarakhand state. The paper also discusses major bottlenecks of the trade along with the potential interventions that could be used to enhance bamboo-based livelihoods in the region.10 pagesen-USHawaiians--Ethnobotany--Periodicals.Ethnobotany--Hawaii--Periodicals.Plants, Medicinal--Periodicals.Ethnobotany--Periodicals.Bamboo trade and future prospects in the Central Himalaya : A case study of the traditional artisans of Uttarakhand, IndiaArticle