University of Hawai'i at Mānoa2016-07-212016-07-211989 in Chief: Chenoweth, Dellzell. Managing Editor: Conners, Amy K. Fiction Editor: Nguyen, Kelly Ellis. Poetry Editor: Goto, T.M. Nonfiction Editor: Donner, Paige N. Fiction: Perkins, Leialoha Apo - "The ʻUlupalakua Men." Delos Santos, P. - "Pohakuʻs Dream." Campbell, Adam - "Thirty Calibre." Young, Kathleen Ngit Jun - "Digging for Lotus Roots." Santos, Brenda Pualani - "Legends." Poetry: Ing, Mahealani - "Keauhou (Song of Renewal)." Hall, Dana Naone - "The House of Light." Taniguchi, Chris K. - "One Long Blast." Balaz, Joseph P. - "Three Concrete Poems." DeCambra, Hoʻopio - "Two Poems." Kahakalau, Ku - "ʻO Kahoʻolawe I Ka Malie." Carter, Chauncey - "Two Poems." Westlake, Wayne - "Two Concrete Poems." Cayan, Phyllis Coochie - "Hakioawa Bay." Awana, Les - "The Brand New Day." Aloha, Kalina - "Ka Wai O Kulanihakoʻi." Wong-Morrison, Tamara - "Two Poems. Holt, John Dominis - "Kaʻili Pau." Kalahele, ʻImaikalani - "Two Poems and Art." McPherson, Michael - "Two Poems." Chant: Akaka, John Hauʻoli - "Oli Manoa." Song: Kupele, David M. and Kini, Puanani - "The Larry Ching Swing." Nonfiction: Kimura, Larry L. - "The Revitalization of the Hawaiian Language." Blaisdell, Kekuni - "ʻHawaiianʻ vs. ʻKanaka Maoli as Metaphors." Mews, Keith Keeaumoku - "Ka Liona Hae O, Ka Pakipika (The Roaring Lion of the Pacific)." Notes on Contributors.93 pagesen-USLiterary JournalUniversity of Hawaiiʻi at Manoa--Literary JournalsHawaiʻi Review, Volume 13, Number 3Journal