University of Hawai'i at Mānoa2016-08-172016-08-172004 Long, Jeffery Ryan. Fiction Editor: Padua, Jonathan. Poetry Editor: Puleloa, Michael. Contents: Proler, Sally Ridgway - "Dream of Horses." Cann, Rachel - "Toxic." Maurer, Susan H. - "Snowdance: Entropolizomeno 2-24-03," "Broadway Boheme Update:5-23-03:Pink Beret." Daniels, Jim - "Disappearance of Rumors," "Pick-up at Closing Time," "Throwing Out the Kit," "Tequila Frenzy Night." Walt, Jeff - "Becoming a Regular." Stanton, James P. - "Nirvana That." Murakami, Roy - "Tetherball." Tsukayama, Daniel - "The Sound of Waves," "You Would Have Preferred Hilo." Meeks, Dodie Messer - "Rock Groins." Henshaw, Juli - "You." Flaherty, Doug - "Salvation at York Beach." Takara, Kathryn Waddell - "Iwa Birds." Chapman, Jeffrey S. - "Giantomachy," "A Story of Feet," "Houseguests." Wright, Jill - "The Charm." Murphy, Miguel - "Awakened," "Ms. Ellsworth," "Karma." Murray, Joddy - "Mognrel," "Into." Erlandson, Kelly Madigan - "New Tricks," "What the World Calls Habit." Brooks, Rebecca K. - "Double Edge." Ostrander, Fred - "Those Who Fall." Atkins, Priscilla - "In the Oncologist's Waiting Room." Lader, Bruce - "Ceremony," "Excuses." Wallick, V.Q. - "Stages." Cossa, Linda Marie - "When Men Have Babies." Rowe, S. - "The Cave, Again." Pardes, Sarah - "The Personal Utopia of Lottie Froude." Carson, Jay - "How I Would Become a Blacksmith." Lombardo, Tom - "A Steel Man." Salvador, Normie - "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors." Pizo, Elmer Omar - "Wailua Goat." King, Kristin - "Feed the Monster." Lurie, Bobbie - "Childhood." Dean, Christian - "By Yourself," "A Lifetime's Work." Tubania, Kimberly - "Doughnut Shops and Doormen." Pollard, Derek - "Standing at the Sink," "Ad Marginem." Brooks, Charles Edward - "Snake in the Grass." Taksa, Mark - "Enterprise on the Fake Floor," "Protest Melting." Galvin, Paul - "To Fell the Linden Tree."166 pagesen-USUniversity of Hawai'i at Mānoa--Literary JournalsHawaiʻi Review, Volume 27, Number 1Journal