Fletcher, Chip2020-11-052020-11-0520209780824889159 http://hdl.handle.net/10125/70246Humans have altered 70% of the world’s lands with mines, roads, farms, and cities while eliminating 40% of the original forests. Since 1970, this damage has fed a 45% rise in per capita consumption, a 200% rise in extraction of living materials from nature, and a 300% growth in GDP. Coal produces 36% of global power, and renewable energy only 10%. We are overwhelming the capacity of Earth to renew itself, and threatening the socioeconomic framework of human life. What does this hold in store for Hawai‘i?4 pagesengCC BY-NC-ND 4.0climate changeglobal warmingheat wavesextreme weatherhabitat destructionSOCIAL SCIENCE / Regional StudiesSOCIAL SCIENCE / Indigeneous StudiesHISTORY / OceaniaPOLITICAL SCIENCE / GeneralCatastrophic Failure of the Planetbook chapter