Li, Fang-I2011-06-092011-06-092003 purpose of this study is to analyze the needs that distinguish the separate and/or overlapping goals of undergraduate students and graduate students in the ELI 73 course. Although undergraduate and graduate students were place in the same class due to the shared needs to develop their general academic English, it is unclear whether such arrangement is appropriate to promote fluent academic competence commensurate with UH faculty expectations. Based on data collected from questionnaires and face-to-face interviews, this study investigates arguments for and against the development of separate curriculum tracks within the ELI 73 class. It is hoped that based on the needs assessment, realistic, specific, and testable objectives can be set to provide a solid basis for future development of criterion-referenced tests and materials suitable for the instructors, learners and the ELI program.21 pagesneeds analysisacademic writingprogram developmentwriting placementProgram Development: Analysis of Academic Writing Needs of ELI 73 Students