Santos, George2008-10-272008-10-271990-01Santos G. 1990. Dryland taro production. In: Hollyer JR, Sato DM, editors. Proceedings of Taking Taro into the 1990s: A Taro Conference. Taking Taro into the 1990s: A Taro Conference; 1989 Aug 17; Hilo, Hawaii. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. p. 86-87.0271-9916 steps of growing a successful crop of dryland taro are discussed. The sequence of steps are pre-plant land preparation, planting, weed control, fertilization, pest control, and harvesting. This article will provide you an excellent basis in producing dryland taro if you are new to taro farming. You will also benefit from specific concepts and improve your existing cultural practices if you are an experienced taro farmer.2 pagesen-USColocasia esculentaplant cultural practicestaroDryland Taro ProductionOtherUniversity of Hawaii