2021-09-112021-09-112021-07-22http://hdl.handle.net/10125/76051For more about the East-West Center, see <a href="http://www.eastwestcenter.org/">http://www.eastwestcenter.org/</a>Quick take:<br>- In a recent webinar, journalists who cover long-simmering enmities between neighboring countries discussed facing political pressure, entrenched attitudes of ethnic and religious animosity, lack of access to sources, disinformation, and threats to their personal safety<br>- Journalists were among the casualties during the recent conflict in Gaza, and several were imprisoned<br>- Panelists cited rising nationalism in East Asia as a barrier to impartial reporting on longstanding disagreements between Japan and South Korea<br>- Journalists in India and Pakistan are unable to report effectively on each other's countries because of “high walls” that leaders have built between the nations.en-USFor journalists, reporting on cross-border disputes poses special challenges and dangersOther