Natividad, L.L.2010-02-262010-02-262010-02Natividad, L. L. (2010). An Examination of Familial Social Support Use by CHamoru Women on Guahan Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Journal of Indigenous Voices in Social Work, 1(1).2151-349X study explored familial social support use by CHamoru women on Guahan who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. It examined familial social support provided by the nuclear and extended family networks. The phenomenological method was used to gather data in 10 in-depth interviews with CHamoru women. Findings indicated the contributions of participants’ family systems, with the role of siblings being especially crucial. Strong CHamoru familial ties appear to be maintained with the sibling set playing a key role in caregiving.15 pagesChamorrosChamorussocial conditionscancersocial aspectsGuamGuahancare of the sickIndigenous peoples--Periodicals.Social work with indigenous peoples--Periodicals.An Examination of Familial Social Support Use by CHamoru Women on Guahan Diagnosed with Breast CancerArticle