Genz, JosephBardwell-Jones, CeliaCoffman, MakenaDey, DarienneDefngin, AxelFeinberg, RichardHao, CelesteHuke, HeterkiJoab, TromaineKabutaulaka, TarcisiusKelen, AlsonKirch, Patrick V.LaBriola, MonicaLedua, SetarekiMasterson, IanMawyer, AlexanderMorris, TeoratuuaariiMyazoe, JerolynnNuttall, PeterPfalzgraf, FoleyRaigetal, H. LarryTamagyongfal, ShaniaGenz, Joseph2023-08-192023-08-1920232023-08-15Genz, Joseph H., Celia Bardwell-Jones, Makena Coffman, Darienne Dey, Axel Defngin, Richard Feinberg, Celeste Hao, Hetereki Huke, Tromainne Joab, Tarcisius Kabutaulaka, Alson Kelen, Patrick V. Kirch, Monica LaBriola, Setareki Ledua, Ian Masterson, Alexander Mawyer, Teoratuuaarii Morris, Jerolynn Myazoe, Peter Nuttall, Foley Pfalzgraf, H. Larry Raigetal, and Shania Tamagyongfal. 2023 Voyaging in the Pacific. Volume 8 of Teaching Oceania Series, edited by Joseph Genz. Honolulu: Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai'i–Mānoa. Oceania is a publication series created with the collaboration of scholars from around the Pacific region to address the need for appropriate literature for undergraduate Pacific Islands Studies students throughout Oceania. The series is designed to take advantage of digital technology to enhance texts with embedded multimedia content, thought-provoking images, and interactive graphs.Teaching Oceania is a publication series created with the collaboration of scholars from around the Pacific region to address the need for appropriate literature for undergraduate Pacific Islands Studies students throughout Oceania. The series is designed to take advantage of digital technology to enhance texts with embedded multimedia content, thought-provoking images, and interactive graphs. 8 of Teaching Oceania Series, Voyaging in the PacificVoyaging in the Pacific