White, Geoffrey M.Lindstrom, Lamont2013-02-012013-02-011989http://hdl.handle.net/10125/25824I. Introduction -- War stories / Lamont Lindstrom and Geoffrey M. White -- II. Island selves and wartime others -- Histories of contact, narratives of the self : Wartime encounters in Santa Isabel / Geoffrey M. White -- The source of the force in Marshallese cosmology / Laurence Marshall Carucci -- Echoes of massacre : Recollections of World War II on Sapwuahfik (Ngatik Atoll) / Lin Poyer -- Time of famine, time of transformation : Hell in the Pacific, Palau / Karen L. Nero -- “Far away” and “close up” : World War II and Sikaiana perceptions of their place in the world / William W. Donner -- The Kilenge and the war : An observer effect on stories from the past / Marty Zeleneitz and Hisafumi Saito -- III. The local scene : Disruptions and transformations -- Shadows of war : Changing remembrance through twenty years in New Britain / David Counts -- Soldiers and spirits : The impact of World War II on a coral sea island / Maria Lepowsky -- The making of history : The representative of World War II on Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea / Carl E. Thune -- Taemfaet : Experiences and reactions of Santa Cruz islanders during the Battle for Guadalcanal / William H. Davenport -- From passive pawns to political strategies : Wartime lessons for the people of Pohnpei / Suzanne Falgout -- Islanders, soldiers, and tourists : The war and the shaping of tourism in Melanesia / Charles de Burlo -- IV. Joining in : Fighting and working -- Kennedy's “army” : Solomon Islanders at war, 1942-1942 / James A. Boutilier -- World War II experience and life history : Two cases from Malaita, Solomon Islands / David W. Gegeo and Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo -- Samoan representations of World War II and military work : The emergence of international movement networks / Robert W. Franco -- Working encounters : Oral histories of World War II labor corps from Tanna, Vanuatu / Lamont Lindstrom.433 p.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesWorld War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Pacific Area.World War, 1939-1945--Influence.Islands of the Pacific--History.The Pacific theater : island representations of World War II Book