Oppegaard, Brett2015-04-102015-04-102015-02-26http://hdl.handle.net/10125/35794This item includes a video recording of a Mānoa Faculty Lecture Series presentation that took place in the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Library and also a flyer for that presentation.The ubiquitous computing age is upon us, and a mobile device in every hand means unprecedented networked humanity. The ways in which we live are changing, often dramatically, as communication systems, businesses and organizations, and families adjust to the abilities of smartphones, tablet computers, watches, eyeglasses, etc., to track and transmit data. Dr. Oppegaard will illuminate significant changes in the media ecosystem created by networked mobile devices and examine technological advances that have led to these changes. In turn, mobile development can be viewed in many ways as a technological progression, helping us to project the future of communication technologies and plan for how they will shape the next generation of learners, leaders, and lifestyles.Duration: 58 min. 30 sec.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesMobile Magic: Demystifying Ubiquitous Computing by Deconstructing Mobile Affordances through the Lens of TechnologyPresentationborn digitalMobile computingUbiquitous computingCommunication--Technological innovations--Social aspects