Cairns, Stephen D.Bayer, Frederick M.2012-05-212012-05-212008-01Cairns SD, Bayer FM. A Review of the Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from Hawai‘i and Adjacent Seamounts: The Genus Narella Gray, 1870. Pac Sci 62(1): 83-116.0030-8870 ill. 23 cm.QuarterlyThe nine Hawaiian species of Narella are revised, including the description of six new species. All species but one (N. ornata) are described and illustrated using SEM; all species are keyed and included in a detailed table of comparison. A brief history of octocoral taxonomic research in the Hawaiian Islands is presented, resulting in a total of 90 named species for this region, only five of which occur in shallow water. Specimens were collected from throughout the archipelago and adjacent seamounts, including Cross, Pensacola, Bishop, and Bushnell, from depths of 326 to 1,977 m.34 p.en-USNatural history--Periodicals.Science--PeriodicalsNatural history--Pacific Area--Periodicals.A Review of the Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from Hawai‘i and Adjacent Seamounts: The Genus Narella Gray, 1870.Article