Dugan, Gordon L.Ozoa, Steve H.2008-12-172008-12-171992-09Dugan GL, Ozoa SH. 1992. Leachate evaluation and monitoring project, Kalaheo Sanitary Landfill, Kwainui, Oahu, Hawaii. Honolulu (HI): Water Resources Reseach Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa. WRRC special report, 06:16:92.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/4324The City and County of Honolulu operated Kalaheo Sanitary Landfill, located near Kawainui Marsh, Kawainui, Oahu, Hawaii, from March 1986 until March 1990. During the 4-yr period of operation an estimated 2.8 x 10^6 yd^3 (2.14 x 10^6 m^3) of municipal and commercial solid waste was deposited at the site. As was the case for the nearby Kapaa Sanitary Landfill, concern was raised about the possible adverse effects of the landfill operation on the ecological and environmental aspects of Kawainui Marsh, located approximately 1,000 ft (305 m) away. Analysis of samples obtained from the leachate collection manhole did clearly indicate that the leachate generated from the Kalaheo Sanitary Landfill site would be considered as being relatively weak. The results of the study are intended to serve as a preliminary baseline until additional monitoring sites are established in accordance with the closure plan presently being formulated.vii + 25 pagesen-USlandfillssurface waterssolid wasteleachateenvironmental effectsKalaheo LandfillKawainui MarshOahuHawaiiLeaching -- Environmental aspects -- Hawaii -- Oahu.Sanitary landfills -- Leaching -- Hawaii -- Oahu.WRRCSR No.06:16:92 Leachate Evaluation and Monitoring Project, Kalaheo Sanitary Landfill, Kawainui, Oahu, HawaiiReport