Shea, Glenn M.Wallach, Van2008-06-012008-06-012000-01Shea GM, Wallach V. 2000. Reexamination of an anomalous distribution: resurrection of Ramphotyphlops becki (Serpentes: Typhlopidae). Pac Sci 54(1): 70-74.0030-8870 becki (Tanner, 1948), restricted to Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, is resurrected from the synonymy of Ramphotyphlops willeyi (Boulenger, 1900), from the Loyalty Islands, on the basis of consistent differences in external morphology and visceral anatomy. New records of Ramphotyphlops braminus (Daudin, 1803) are reported from Vanuatu and the Loyalty Islands.en-USReexamination of an Anomalous Distribution: Resurrection of Ramphotyphlops becki (Serpentes: Typhlopidae)Article