2017-02-152017-02-152017-02-14http://hdl.handle.net/10125/43698Genre: Personal narrative. Theme: Weaving. Elisabet Lebi, a grandmother from Kaju keri, is interviewed by Pithu Sophune in her home 9 Oct -16. She is asked to explain the weaving prosess, beginning with the cotton, which they picked and cleaned by hand. Lebi also tells about the colouring with indigo for the main colour, black, achieved with mordants 'loi', 'moro hae' (mangrove for tannin, reddish that blackens), 'langalidi'. (Did not mention 'wuwu' fruits/seds). Word by word translation.digital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 biteaf file0:04:24pleSD1-134SoundpleSara Lu'a