Furumoto, Augustine S.2012-04-102012-04-101975-03-11Furumoto AS. 1975. Thermal process of the east rift of Kilauea from geophysical data. Honolulu (HI): Hawaii Geothermal Project.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/22341Includes memorandum dated 3/17/1975 from John Shupe titled "Response to ERDA's concerns on the HGP proposal," letter from Shupe to Kurger, and a letter by Abbott documenting the unanimous favorable decision of the Site Selection Committee on the proposed drilling site.This is a short note summarizing results of geophysical surveys over the East Rift of Kilauea. Details on data and methods of analysis are being compiled for a later more comprehensive report.13 pagesen-USgeophysicsKilaueaKilauea East Rift ZonePunaGeothermal resources--Hawaii--Hawaii IslandHawaii Geothermal ProjectGeothermal engineering--HawaiʻiGeothermal resources--HawaiʻiThermal process of the east rift of Kilauea from geophysical dataReport