Yanguas, InigoBergin, Tyler2018-10-032018-10-032018-10-01Yanguas, I., & Bergin, T. (2018). Focus on form in task-based L2 oral computer-mediated communication. Language Learning & Technology, 22(3), 65–81. https://doi.org/10125/446571094-3501http://hdl.handle.net/10125/44657This study has a twofold goal: to investigate whether task type has an effect on the number, focus, and outcome of language-related episodes (LREs) and to determine whether that effect is the same for video SCMC (VidSCMC) and audio SCMC (AudSCMC) groups. Intermediate Spanish learners participated in this study involving two jigsaw tasks based on two different picture stories. Participants were randomly placed in dyads and assigned to VidSCMC and AudSCMC groups. The dyads then performed a jigsaw task and a dictogloss task consecutively in a counterbalanced design. Repeated-measures ANOVA analyses were carried out to measure any possible significant differences in the number and nature of LREs by task and by group. The results revealed no difference in the number of LREs per task or CMC mode. However, significant differences were found in LRE foci per task. Finally, significant differences were also found in the number of unresolved LREs per mode. Results are discussed in relation to the pertinent literature.Computer-Mediated CommunicationTask-based Learning and TeachingTelecollaborationFocus on form in task-based L2 oral computer-mediated communicationArticle10125/44657