Andrews, James E.Bainbridge, Charles2008-02-072008-02-071972-01Andrews JE, Bainbridge C. 1972. Submarine canyons off eastern Oahu. Pac Sci 26(1): 108-113.0030-8870 Submarine canyons studied along the eastern coast of Oahu appear to be of subaerial origin, drowned during island ridge subsidence. Where coarse sediments are well supplied from reefs, and submarine ridges form obstructions, the canyons have been filled and masked. Structures in the Oahu seamount province formerly hypothesized to be of slide origin, appear to be in situ volcanic features, and have determined patterns of deposition from the canyons. A more normal-leveed distributary channel may exist in the Hawaiian Deep.en-USSubmarine valleys -- HawaiiSubmarine Canyons off Eastern OahuArticle