Brown, James D.Brown, James DeanYamashiro, Amy D.Ogane, Ethel2016-05-092016-05-091999 purpose of the present study was to explore how the hit-and-miss, modification, and tailored-cloze methods can be used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of cloze tests. To help organize the results of the present study, tle following research questions were posed: (1) What is the effect on the mean and standard deviation for a cloze test when applying the hit-or-miss. modification, and tailored-cloze methods? (2) To what degree are the item facilities and dissimination indices changed by applyng the hit-or-miss, modification, and tailored-cloze methods? (3) What is the effect on reliability of applying the hit-or-miss, modification, and tailored-cloze methods? A much fuller description of the steps involved in using the hit-or-miss, modification, and tailored-cloze methods will be provided later in this paper.25 pagesTailoring Cloze: Three Ways to Improve Cloze TestsWorking Paperreformatted digital