Fell, Paul E.2008-12-012008-12-011970-07Fell PE. 1970. The natural history of Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels, a siliceous sponge of California. Pac Sci 24(3): 381-386.0030-8870http://hdl.handle.net/10125/4100Little information concerning the haliclonids of the Pacific Coast of the United States is presently available. De Laubenfels (1933) described briefly several haliclonids of California, but gave no account of their reproduction. During a study of oogenesis and embryonic development in Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels (Fell, 1969), information relating to the habitat, morphology, and breeding seasons of this sponge was also accumulated. This material is the subject of the present paper.en-USThe Natural History of Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels, a Siliceous Sponge of CaliforniaArticle