Waihee, Jennifer2014-01-152014-01-152014-01-15http://hdl.handle.net/10125/31843SCENE 1 (Living room of the KEAWE home in Honolulu. The KEAWE home is a large, upper middle class, modem house. The living room is spacious, with a huge television set, a sofa and a stereo system. It is perfectly decorated and very clean. DAWN sits on one sofa, talking on the phone.) DAWN (Coldly.) Fine. If that’s what you want to do. Hey, I don’t control you, right? Me--mad? Oh, as though you really care? Like that’s going to change anything. You know, every week you do this to ... (DAWN pauses, listening. She squeezes a cushion with both hands.) Oh, no. Don’t even try that. I'm not lecturing you! Yeah, well then, if that’s--what? No! You can’t put me on--damn! (DAWN hangs up the phone and punches the cushion.) Stupid lush, you’re so predictable. (DAVID ENTERS, dressed in a suit. In an obvious rush, he glances at DAWN.) DAVID Where’s your mom? DAWN I think she’s in the kitchen--making tea with the grandmas. DAVID Oh. (DAVID gives DAWN a quick kiss and quickly tries to leave.) Thanks kiddo. See you later. DAWN John’s a jerk. DAVID Dump him. (DAVID EXITS.) DAWN Stupid John. (DAWN holds the cushion against her.)111 pagesAll UHM Honors Projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission from the copyright owner.He Noho 'Ana Keia "That is the Way of Life"Term Project