Alevalo-Galarza, LourdesNeumann, GaborFollett, Peter A.2011-04-142011-04-142010-120073-134X stress disinfection and disinfestation (MSDD) is a postharvest treatment that combines short periods of low pressure (vacuum) and elevated CO2 with ethanol vapor to control pathogens and arthropod pests on commodities. The system was tested against white peach scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), a serious pest of papaya in Hawaii. Treatment with low pressure (125 mm Hg) and high CO2 (>99%) alone had no effect on mortality of second stage nymphs, whereas a combination of low pressure, high CO2 and ethanol vapor (75 mg l-1) killed 98% of the individuals tested. This combination treatment has potential to disinfest fresh commodities of surface pests.Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, quarantine treatment, postharvest treatment, low pressure, vacuum, ethanol, controlled atmospherePotential for Metabolic Stress Disinfection and Disinfestation (MSDD) Treatment to Disinfest Commodities of White Peach Scale and other Surface PestsArticleAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivativesby-nc-nd-nsa