Ripple, James K.2016-03-092016-03-092011-12 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2011.Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this study is to measure with research laboratory accuracy, the hydraulic conductivity of soils sampled from the University of Hawaii Manoa campus so they may be implemented into the three-dimensional seepage flow study of the upper campus, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows an example of a three-dimensional (3-D) seepage flow analysis. The hydraulic conductivities will be measured using both direct and indirect methods of testing. The flexible wall permeameter has been chosen for the direct method with two approaches available: constant gradient and constant flow. The one-dimensional consolidometer will be used for the indirect method with two apparatuses available: standard one-dimensional consolidometer and one-dimensional consolidometer with pore pressure reading. These methods will be implemented on the undisturbed samples collected and observations and comparisons developed. In addition, influencing factors such as void ratio, grain size, confinement, swell, and other soil parameters will be examined for possible correlations.enghydraulic conductivityA study of the effects of confinement, soil parameters, and testing methods on the hydraulic conductivity of some finegrained soils on OahuThesis