De Frank, Joe2008-12-042008-12-041993-01De Frank J. 1993. No-till taro production in Hawai’i. In: Ferentinos L, editor. Proceedings of the Sustainable Taro Culture for the Pacific Conference. Sustainable Taro Culture for the Pacific Conference; 1992 Sept 24-25; Honolulu, Hawaii. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. p. 61.0271-9916 major portion of the taro produced in Hawai'i is cultivated under dryland conditions. Practically all taro farmers plow and disc their fields to provide a vegetation-free surface before the crop is planted. Unprotected fields are very susceptible to soil erosion due to heavy rains and a lack of soil-conserving practices such as terracing and contour farming. No-till taro production is being introduced in Hawai'i to provide growers with a means of planting their crop to fields protected by a thick layer of mulch to reduce soil erosion and minimize the need for heavy equipment for land preparation.1 pagesen-USColocasia esculentaHawaiino-tillagetaroNo-Till Taro Production in Hawai'iOtherUniversity of Hawaii