Thomas, Donald M.2013-03-212013-03-211982Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 1982. The HGP-A Generator Facility: Reservoir Characteristics and Operating History for EPRI Research Project 1195-12. Honolulu, Hawaii: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. HGP-A Geothermal Wellhead Generator Facility, located on the Lower East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano, was installed as a pilot project to demonstrate the technical feasibility of producing electrical power from the geothermal reservoir discovered by the HGP-A research well in 1976. The electrical generation facility was installed in June, 1981 and, after a number of initial startup problems, began commercial operation in March 1982; it has now been in operation for nearly 40 months. During this period a number of changes have occurred in the well fluid chemistry that have yielded insight into the character of the geothermal reservoir associated with the East Rift Zone and have identified a number of potential operating problems, for future geothermal facilities that may be installed on this reservoir.7 pagesen-USHawaii Geothermal ProjectproductionreservoirsPunaHawaiiThe HGP-A generator facility : reservoir characteristics and operating history for EPRI research project 1195-12Report