Bekken, DeborahSchepartz, Lynne A.Miller-Antonio, SariYamei, HouWeiwen, Huang2010-08-042010-08-042004Bekken, D., L. A. Schepartz, S. Miller-Antonio, H. Yamei, and H. Weiwen. 2004. Taxonomic Abundance at Panxian Dadong, a Middle Pleistocene Cave in South China. Asian Perspectives 43 (2): 333-59.1535-8283 (E-ISSN)0066-8435 (Print) faunal assemblage from the site of Panxian Dadong provides evidence for a general continuity in species representation throughout a period of approximately 120 kya. Taxonomically, faunal material from Dadong includes classic taxa of the Middle Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon faunal complex of South China. Taxonomic abundance measures document a sample that is rich in large ungulate species including rhinoceros, stegodonts, and large bovids. These data are further examined in light of assemblage formation processes, temporal distribution, and environmental context. Taphonomic data that demonstrate the presence and activities of bonecollecting species (including porcupines, hominids, and large and small carnivores) suggest that Dadong Cave was an attractive shelter that saw many uses during the period analyzed. These include hominid foraging, porcupine bone collecting, and carnivore scavenging and hunting. KEYWORDS: Middle Pleistocene, South China, Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna, hominid.Middle PleistoceneSouth ChinaAiluropoda-Stegodon faunahominidPrehistoric peoples--Asia--Periodicals.Prehistoric peoples--Oceania--Periodicals.Asia--Antiquities--Periodicals.Oceania--Antiquities--Periodicals.East Asia--Antiquities--Periodicals.Taxonomic Abundance at Panxian Dadong, a Middle Pleistocene Cave in South ChinaArticle