Baniqued, AlyssandraMurayama, SarahSakai, Damon H.2021-02-092021-02-092021-02-13 administering a curriculum needs assessment to our peers, we observed that most students relied on supplemental videos to further their understanding of difficult concepts, particularly in immunology. Due to the self-directed learning curriculum at JABSOM, students seek resources outside of the classroom to improve learning. Utilizing modules pre-approved by faculty ensures the information is accurate and clinically-relevant. We assigned videos associated with the immunology concepts highlighted during the MD2 unit, including Type I-IV hypersensitivity, rheumatic heart disease, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. Videos were found on YouTube via a channel called Osmosis, a medical education video platform that students have recommended in verbal and written feedback to course directors in the past. Students were asked to watch videos, answer post-video questions, and create case maps related to the videos. Questions pertaining to the immunology video content appeared on the final exam and a survey was completed to identify student impressions of the modules.1en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesImmunologySupplemental EducationEducational videosLearning Immunology: Using Free Medical Education Video Platforms to Supplement Medical Student UnderstandingPresentation