Park, Jaeuk2022-10-312022-10-3120222022-10-31Park, J. (2022). Vocabulary learning through a daily task of cooking in the digital kitchen. Language Learning & Technology, 26(1), 1–22. Language Learning and Teaching (TBLT) has been integrated with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), contributing to pedagogical developments in the field of SLA. While the majority of studies have used the integrated pedagogy inside the classroom context, little attention has been paid to the area outside of the classroom. Drawing on a recently developed learning environment called ‘Digital Kitchen’, this study examines how learning in a technology-enhanced real-world environment benefits foreign vocabulary acquisition. In particular, the multimodal effect of physicality is investigated using a mixed methods and quasi-experimental research design. Forty-eight adult participants performed two cooking sessions: one in a kitchen using real objects and the other in a classroom looking at photos. Statistical data demonstrated that the digital kitchen users registered significantly higher scores on vocabulary learning compared to classroom participants. The findings show that engaging all senses in a technology-enhanced environment is more powerful for vocabulary learning than using only a few senses. These findings have implications for those planning to design and implement a similar real-world learning environment.Article22CALL, TBLT, Digital Kitchen, Vocabulary LearningVocabulary learning through a daily task of cooking in the Digital KitchenArticleCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License