Jones, Vincent P.Finson, Naomi N.Tsuda, Dick M.2009-05-142009-05-142001-05Jones VP, Finson NN, Tsuda DM. 2001. Attraction of Stoeberhinus testaceus to oriental fruit moth pheromone. Proc Hawaiian Entomol Soc 35:111–113.0073-134X note.During pheromone-based mating disruption studies for suppression of the koa seedworm, Cryptophlebia illepida, and litchi fruit moth, Cryptophlebia ombrodelta, in macadamia nuts, it became apparent that Stoeberhinus testaceus Butler (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) responds to the same pheromone. In plots where mating disruption was being performed, S. testaceus was rarely caught in pheromone traps, while large numbers were caught in adjacent control plots. Response to nonspecific pheromones can result in false trail following. Production of similar pheromones is an indirect method by which an introduced species may affect the population dynamics of other species in a shared habitat.3 pagesen-USinsect pheromonespheromone trapsStoeberhinus testaceusinterspecific competitionAttraction of Stoeberhinus testaceus to Oriental Fruit Moth PheromoneArticle